Ep. 70 Did We Make Up All Holidays?

Nathan Mansfield Episode 70

In this episode of The Nathan Mansfield Show, Nathan and co-host Donny dive deep into the meaning and impact of holidays from a Christian perspective. They discuss the dark origins of Halloween and other traditional holidays, highlighting the ways society has commercialized these events. Through personal stories and reflections, they emphasize the importance of living purposefully and prioritizing faith, family, and values. The episode concludes with a powerful prayer, encouraging listeners to find hope, joy, and light in their daily lives through faith in God.

00:00 Introduction and Halloween Memories

01:38 Reflecting on Holiday Traditions

03:41 The Weekend Warrior Mentality

05:01 Rethinking Vacations and Values

11:11 Breaking Down Social Norms

12:54 Biblical Perspective on Holidays

13:38 Consistent Faith and Business Partnerships

14:29 The Blessing of Shared Values

14:56 Daily Devotion and Scripture

15:40 Understanding God's Power

16:57 Faith and Belief in God's Capabilities

19:46 The Importance of Equally Yoked Relationships

21:29 The Bond of Brotherhood in Christ

22:26 Enduring Hardships with Faith

26:56 The Power of Prayer and Trust in God

Nathan Mansfield
Instagram: @nathanmansfield